Monday, 27 October 2008
Destiny Calls...
Monday, 22 September 2008
Warcraft III - Reign Of Chaos ( 1, 2, 3 ) (O)
However, unknown to the Alliance's agents, a large force of orcs still roamed free in the northern wastes of Khaz Modan. The Dragonmaw clan, led by the infamous Warlock, Nekros, had maintained its control over the Dragonqueen, Alexstraza, and her Dragonflight by using an ancient artifact known as the Demon Soul. With the Dragonqueen as his hostage, Nekros built up a secret army within the abandoned dwarf stronghold of Grim Batol. Planning to unleash his forces and the mighty red dragons on the Alliance, Nekros hoped to reunite the horde and continue its conquest of Azeroth. Yet, a small group of resistance fighters, led by the human mage, Rhonin, managed to destroy the Demon Soul and free the Dragonqueen from Nekros command.
In the fury, Alexstrasza's dragons tore apart Grim Batol and incinerated the greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan. Nekros grand schemes of reunification came crashing down as the Alliance troops rounded up the remaining orc survivors and threw them into the waiting interment camps. The Dragonmaw clan's defeat signaled the ed of the horde - and the end of the orcs furious bloodlust.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
WarCraft III - Reign Of Chaos ( 4, 5, 6 ) (H)
Human History
The Alliance Splinters
To make matters worse, the brusque high elves of Silvermoon rescinded their allegiance to the Alliance, stating that the humans's poor leadership led to the burning of their forest during the Second War. Though Terenas tactfully reminded the elves that nothing of Quel'Thalas would have remained if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who'd given their lives to defend it, the elves stubbornly decided to go their own way. In the wake of the elves departure, Golneas and Stromgarde pulled stake and seceded as well.
A New Generation
King Terenas's only son, Arthas, had grown into a strong, confident young man. The young Prince was trained as a warrior by Muradin Bronzebeard - brother to King Magni of Ironforge - and despite his youth, was considered to be the one of the finest swordsmen in Lordaeron. At the tender age of nineteen Arthas was inducted into the Order of the Silver Hand under the command of King Terenas for years, considered the Prince more of a favored none could dispute Arthas bravery and tenacity. When the troll warbands of Zul'Aman began raiding the settlements along the Quel'Thalassian border, Arthas was quick to hunt down the savages and put an end to their rampage.
Embarrassed by the public attention, Arthas and Jaina kept their affair as private as possible. But Jaina, commited to her studies in Dalaran, knew that their romance could not last. She had studied the ways of magic her whole life and knew that her true calling was the pursuit of knowledge - not the trappings of the throne room. Much to the frustration Lordaeron's citizenry, the two lovers reluctantly parted ways and refocused themselves on their duties.
The Shadows Return
Amidst the strain of the new orc uprising, King Terenas was disturbed t hear ill news on another front. Rumor held that a number of supposed "death cults" had formed in the northern provinces. The cults attracted the disenfranchised and disheartened citizens of Lordaeron, offering them "eternal life" on earth as an alternative to servitude to the King. After many years of peace and quiet, King Terenas knew that troubles were only just beginning for his land. He took some comfort in the fact that Lordaeron had endured every trail that had ever come its way - and that its defenders, both new and old, would see it safely through to a new dawn...
Warcraft III - Reign Of Chaos ( 1, 2, 3 ) (H)
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Lets Stop The Pendulum - 21/08/08 - Diary
Oh yesh~ continue from the previous blog "20/08/08 Latihan Wirajaya - But things were not the way I wanted it to be..."
"But things were not the way I wanted it to be..." Well, after handing over our equipment back to the camp, went back to our dome, and called dear dear (EX), dear was in the train going to Midvalley with dear's daughters and his kai ma... But heard that dear's voice like very unhappy got things disturbing dear...? Don't know no idea, must be I am the one who is thinking too much... Chat and chat, blah blah blah blah...
Alright got to go already time to say bye bye to dear dear... Normally before hanging up we will normally give each other a kiss, "MUACKS" but dear didn't give me that kiss and just close it... There's a weird feeling inside my heart and explain what is that feeling... I was extremely tired and all I think is that maybe it's that I am too exhausted so I just calm myself by not thinking too much about this matter... Trust dear dear, trust dear dear... Everything will be normal and OK like always...
Called dear dear at evening again to check up on him... Sounds OK already, and I told myself "see Chris everything fine and OK, you were thinking too much only so as putting more pressure on your self"... Felt relieve...
At 7 something called dear dear once again too check on dear dear if he has reached home already or not, well he was on the way home... But his friend's mom is fetching them from MV due to the over pack crowd at the train station... Ok got a little EMO because dear haven't reach home and it's already dinner time and spend almost whole day out already... Well get over it Chris...
At 8.35 p.m, things changed in a way that I didn't expected... Dear suggest that we end this relationship, he says his tired to continue this relationship already... Dear wants to end this now... I beg for a chance to fix things up, but dear doesn't want anymore... I have no choice but to respect his decision and his courage... Although I feel very sad about it, I cried after I hang up the phone... And all the memories of times that we were together emerge and penetrating my mind, heart is beating and bleeding...
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
100th Days
Well, I don't feel sad because he was dead even though he is my relative, I won't cry for death dude, I'll cry for love... Losing the one I love is the most painful thing, meaning of losing here is not death I am referring... Well dad, when praying I can see that you were shedding tears, oh gosh get over it dude, his been gone for 100 days already, crying won't bring him back either... Since his face was in peace during the last session that we saw him, why not let him go in peace... Rather then let his spirit see you all crying over his death and make his miserable...
Well to all dear relative, GET OVER IT... Life is short, Live it to the MAX... Enjoy Guys... !!!
Majlis Perasmian - PLKN 01/07/08

Friday, 12 September 2008
20/08/08 - Latihan Wirajaya

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
I am a Weakling - 我是脆弱的
All the while I though I was very strong... But in fact I am only nothing but a Weakling and a Coward boy... I am weak I cannot accept what is happening and stand up once again after fall, I am Coward because I don't have the courage to accept the reality when you left me... I used all my hearts and souls to love you, try my best to take care of you, try my best not to hurt you as much as possible... Tried my best to give you all my love and happiness that I can afford too... I know, you never requested anything from me, you are afraid that you will trouble me... But now, loving long enough and those feelings we built up together is nothing but for a few hours of one short love...
I wear a mask in front of my friends, and this mask I wear fooled and bluffed all of them, pretending that I have once stand up again and walk on... Everyone though I was already cured and accepted what has happen... But every night, when the flashes of memories with you and me passes through my mind, as I think and think, my tears began to flow down my cheeks and I began to tell myself, bluffing myself, you and me are still together... You will love me forever, how could you just leave me and move on just like that...? More tears began to dash down my cheeks...
But no matter how, I have to accept the reality and move on, I really want to carefully kiss you a hundred times with all my heart and soul, if that is you allowed me... Dear, my tears are flowing down my cheeks, dropping on the floor and at last evaporate... Bit by bit those tears are a sign of a broken heart that burst into a million pieces...
8月26日08年 - 日记 - 分手后的第五天...
一直以来我都是脆弱的男人, 我用尽心力和灵魂的去爱护你... 给了你我所能给的幸福... 而你从来没有和我提过任何要求, 你害怕会给我添麻烦... 可现在, 我们两个所建立的爱情和感情都敌不过几小时短短的爱...
我欺骗了所有的朋友, 所有我所认识的人, 关心我的人, 扮坚强没事... 大家都以为我没事了, 已经能重新站起来面对... 每晚 ,我一想起你和我之间的无数回忆, 我想着想着就哭了, 我欺骗自己, 你和我还在一起, 你永远是爱我的, 你怎么可能忍心离开我呢...?
可是我必须面对现实, 我很想在你的脸上小心的留下几百个吻, 如果可以的话... 亲爱的, 我的泪一滴一滴的落在地上, 慢慢化开... 一滴一滴的落在了我碎掉的心上....
Monday, 8 September 2008
Fuck Off...!!!
Moving The Pendulum…
- Pang Pang (Stupid Guy that call me This)
- Chinese Glory (Read in Cantonise)
- Mohammad Pang (The Muslims Girls Change It For me)
- Mohammad Pang Bin Abdullah (Second Level =.=”)
- Two Stick (Read In Cantonise)
- Leader Of Alpha (Read In Cantonise)
Still got some other names I forgot already, but in camp it’s kinda fun too, the only thing sucks is that we can’t have our phone on weekdays but only can have our phone during weekends… In camp missed the one I loved a lot, well things goes up and down, that is called life… Well have to write more of my experience while I can, because time in the camp is running out, and I don’t want this experiece to be forgotten, I want this memories to go on with me as long as I live through out the Glory days… So, when this Sunday I return to camp, I’ll record all in my mind and when I return home, I’ll try to write as many things as possible… So that when other time I read back my diary I can still have the feelings and experience through my memories and not forgotten…
The Pendulum Is Swinging, Once Stoped, It’s All Over…
22.30 p.m.
End Of Time... 06/09/08
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Waiting - 等待
During late and a quite night, things to think are specially getting more and more. Standing outside my dome with no tiredness through out the rough days, staring at the streets lights and the shadows created by the lights, felt that myself is very lonely, street lights have their shadows to accompany them through out the whole night,what about me...? Accompanying me besides loneliness still got who else...? You left me and just go on like that, didn't know how much pain I am in...? You don't know how it feels for that bitter and sore pain deep in my heart...
Didn't you said that you will love me for the rest of your life... Eternal love...? All this promises where did it went already...? Did you forget about it crystal clear not even a clue...? Two more weeks from the date 21/08/08 I'll be out of National Service already... After my realease of National Service you said you will be together with me and enjoy every Birthdays, Festive Seasons and each day passes... But now you have left me already...
If you leave me is just to test our relationship and our love towards each other, I feel that it's already reached the limit already right...? Don't you want to return to me...? You don't want me already...? Each night I felt like crying out loud, but I cannot cry out because my friends don't want to see me sad, I cannot cry out freely but at late night looking at the clear bright skies and cry when I think about the memories we made... It's been the 4th night I didn't sleep well...
The days with out you is very hard and torturing to pass. Everyday in the dome I think of our time that we use to be together, my tears will flow down my cheeks. I miss the days that I hug you, miss the days you call me dumb dumb, missed the days that we use to whisper in my small little room and laugh. I missed everything that you gave me... But all those have become a past and a memory...
I don't know will you be reading this blog that I typed, But I just want to let you know... I treasured everything that you gave me, I'll wait till time comes or time goes to heal me... or you to return...
8月25日08年 - 日记
夜深人静的时候, 想的东西也特别多. 站在外面看着被街灯拉长的人影, 突然觉得自己好孤独, 街灯还有影子的陪伴, 而我呢? 陪伴我的除了孤单还有谁? 说走就走的你, 难道都不曾想过我的感受吗? 你知道我的痛苦吗? 你知道那个滋味是很难受的吗?
不是说要爱我一辈子, 疼我一生的吗? 这些承若去了哪里? 你都忘记了吗? 还有两个星期是我出营的日子. 出去了后你说过要陪我度过每一个生日, 情人节, 圣诞节, 和每一个日子... 现在你却已经离开我了.
如果你的离去只是想考验我们之间的感情,些那么都过了这么久, 我想已经是极限了... 难道你永远都不回来了吗? 不要和我在一起了吗? 每晚我在静悄悄的哭... 不想给我的朋友们担心我... 所以我扮坚强...
没有你和我的日子是很难熬的... 每晚在我的房间里想着我们相处的时光我就会湿红了眼. 我好怀念你在我怀里撒侨的日子, 好怀念你叫我傻瓜, 好怀念我们在小房里说悄悄笑话. 我好怀念你的一切. 那一切现在只成了我的回忆...
不管你有没有看到这篇文章, 我都希望让你知道, 我会让时间复原一切伤痛... 或你的回归...
Bahasa Perintah - Commanding Orders
Berjalan Masuk Padang
- Skuad Sedia
- Bergerak ke kiri/kanan bertiga-tiga ke kiri/kanan pusing
- Dari kiri/kanan cepat jalan
- Kanan/ kiri belok
- Skuad ...... Henti
- Skuad akan menghadap kehadapan ke kiri/kanan pusing
- Buka Barisan ....... Gerak!
- Ke kanan Lurus
- Pandang Depan
Melapor - All Must Be Quite Or Else... Pay The Price... During Reporting...
Kawad Statik
- Tutup Barisan...... Gerak!
- Ke kanan lurus
- Pandang Depan
- Senang diri
- Rehatkan diri
- Skuad!!! ...... Skuad Sedia
- Bergerak ke kanan bertiga-tiga ke kanan pusing
- Bergerak ke kiri bertiga-tiga ke belakang pusing
- Skuad akan menghadap kebelakang ke kiri pusing
- Skuad akan menghadap kehadapan ke belakang pusing
- Hormat, hormat ke hadapan ...... Hormat!!!
- Bergerak ke kanan bertiga-tiga ke kanan pusing
- Dari Kiri cepat Jalan
- Hormat kehadapan ...... Hormat!!!
- Bergerak ke kanan bertiga-tiga ke belakang pusing
- Tukar Langkah masa berjalan ...... Tukar Langkah (x3)
- Bergerak ke kiri bertiga-tiga ke belakang pusing - (Check In Kiri Kanan kiri, Maju)
- Skuad ...... Henti
- Skuad akan menghadap kehadapan ke kanan/kiri pusing
- Ke kanan lurus
- Pandang hadapan
Mara Menghadap
- Skuad akan mara menghadap, dari kanan cepat jalan (Kiraan 14 langkah 1,2... Henti)
- Hormat, ke hadapan ...... Hormat!!!
Berjalan Keluar Padang
- Skuad akan berjalan keluar, bergerak ke kiri/kanan bertiga-tiga ke kanan/kiri pusing
- Dari kiri/kanan cepat jalan
- Kiri/kanan Belok
All this are the command to give during Marching... have to shout damn loud... Not easy being a leader, and it's challenging...
Hmmm, what day is today...? Looks like a normal Friday, oh yeah today... Today is Hari Ambang Merdeka and also Penghayatan Sastera dan Budaya day, D-Day...!!! And it's also someone's birthday, someone special in this camp - Mejar Hamzah Bin Hussien, my Commander!!! Celebrated his birthday in the mid morning and during night, having BBQ, but more like just normal dinner, we didn't enjoy at all, the BBQ is like every Platoon volunteer 5 people and only this selected 5 will do the cooking the rest should not interfear. At 7.30 p.m sharp, every chinese boys have to report for duty in the hall to arrange and prepare the food for each and every members in he Platoon. So when the muslims go for their prayers we chinese do and prepare the food, sucks,, everyone can have only 1 meat that is beef, chicken and mutton. Haha we chinese of course choos the big meat and leave small or medium size for the muslims - so evil... So many preformance, bored of it, some more I have to gear up my Armor - Full Celoreng = Freaking Hot~!!! Platoon Leaders that didn't take part in any of Sastera dan Budaya preformance have to gear up in their full set EQ Armor, for the class preformance. Hate to wear full celoreng, it's damn thick and hot, well for the class preformance, my class got place 4, not bad... All ended at almost 12.30 a.m, teachers began to give back our phones. Give back haven reached 1 hour a friend of mine from company Bravo lost his phone already, and all Platoon Bravo members have to gather down at the Hall for emergency meeting. According to them, they say that my friend didn't take the phone but when he wanted to take it from teacher , the phone was not in the box. Maybe someone accidently took it or on purpose. Well tomorrow is going to be a torturing day for us, he teachers will surely think of a way to torture us indeed.
When You Left Me...
I always though for a happy ending between our relationship, I always believed that we will be together till the end of life. When you left me, I count the steps days that passes by, and the days feel like years when I am alone. The bed where you lie is made up on your side. I believe you can't see or feel how much I miss you right now... When you left me, the pieces of my heart are missing till now, when you're gone, the memories of you and me will always be with me, the words I always need to hear to get me through the day to make me OK is silent already. I miss you, everything that I do and say, reminds me of you and me. When I came home, the things that you gave me mean so much to me, the bed where you lie beside me still smells just like you slept here overnight, I loved all the things that you do. All I ever wanted was for you to know, everything I do I say I give my heart and soul, I cried hardly each night, I need to feel you here with me. It's nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching as I fall... I miss you... Bye^^...
Kem Pinggiran Pelangi or short form "KPP", I've read one trainee's online blog, she said that "Don't bother on searching for a rainbow, because when I was here the whole 3 months training, I've not seen one rainbow across the sky of KPP". Well, I saw the Rainbow yesterday at 6.15 p.m. A full rainbow across the skies of "KPP", it was beautiful and I have a feeling that things will turn out to be OK for me, and I hope for it, been badly hurt... But sadly, I have to stand there and see it on my own, I though of seeing this rainbow together with my lover, but too bad, I am single already. Guess that I have to spend this up coming Festivals alone for the 18th year in my life, hope next year I wont be alone... Things have changed as what I said, but hope that this changes will be good and benefit everyone. If I have only one wish, I wish I can have a boyfriend that last till the end with me to view the beautiful shinning bright stars hanging on the clear beautiful night sky, meteor shower, forever our love will go on... But to tell you a secret, I made a wish when I saw that rainbow across the skies of KPP... "Your Happiness".
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Wheels Of Fate
After that we waited and waited after so long of waiting mostly of my uncle's friends left first because they got work to be done... At about 2.45 p.m... My uncle's body finally reached his house and we all pay our last respect to him because after this he will be taken to the burial ground for burial... See everyone crying when they see him, but I didn't I just whisper in my heart, "what happen to you was unexpected and a tragic lost, rest in peace I'll support my own family even when you are not around rather then they let you control their future and ours your service to this world has reach the limits..." The priest say that don't touch or shed tears on him otherwise he will not go in peace, and the priest ask his son to go give him an eternal good bye kiss to his father... After that his body was loaded up the van and was transport to Pahang, Raub for Burial... We all followed and reach there at 5.45 p.m., and at there they chant some prayers to the dead... His burial was fast process and we all have a chance to see his burial and how the Muslims bury their dead, simple way but it's their religion, more like Ta pau (take away)... After the funeral, we have to drive back for freaking 3 hours 15 Min's journey, the cemetery was so fucking deep in...
The Tears Of Aquarius won't be seen so easy... Only to the ones they love...
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Turn Back The Pendulum IV
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Wheels Of Time...
Love Dear Loads ^^ Muacks~~~
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Turn Back The Pendulum III
Love ya Dear^^ Muacks...~
Turn Back The Pendulum II
Monday, 12 May 2008
Turn Back The Pendulum...
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Time with dear..
Monday, 28 April 2008
Apart of The Chamber Of Secrets...
Today, I've showed my dear apart of my little secret... A box from the past... Memories of everything kept in it... Items that belong to my very own pain and I kept it in a small box... Some secrets maybe words, but I have a secret that I can only tell by showing it... I name this box The Pandora's Box... A box that once gave me life to live on, happy memories... But all turned out to be the most painful memories of my past... Legend has it, The Pandora's Box looks beautiful from the outside... But once open, It unleashes a powerful plague that kills all life on earth... This box is special, although it is apart of my Chamber Of Secrets... But it exist in my life so that I can show people about it and tell about it... I've shown dear what is inside... Every single item's story... Who I wanted to give, who gave it to me... Dear was so happy and interested in hearing and seeing all those things... And I gave dear 1 chain haha... This chain has a story of it, I wanted to give it to a boy that I once like, at first he accepted it and later on, he gave it back to me... Who cares now, it's already a past... I've found my love already... I feel very happy and glad to show dear about my secret although it's not all, but I hope it's consider much already... Spend time with dear today... Haha, not bad... A nice and damn hot day... Hope dear won't mind that I'm not telling everything in a day or two... Slowly as time comes I'll reveal it one by one to show and let dear know about it...
Friday, 18 April 2008
About me...
I've became a changed man, there's too many things, I've been hiding my real self deep inside me for a long time... A cold look with no laughter on it... A cold pair of eyes giving out cold aura to who ever looks straight in it... Maybe it's because I hold too many things in my ownself... I was once called a boy that brings pain to others by one of my family members... I was also given a title called "Destroyer", a boy that will never stops destroying things even if it's the thing I like the most... As I grow older, I notice that I can create and destroy the things I love, the people I love, things beside me...
Chamber Of Secrets...
I hold secrets not only from myself... I hold secrets of others, and all this secrets goes into that chamber, not totally all secrets, only selected secrets should be stored in it and never be revealed once and for all till I leave this world... This chamber was created for a reason, it's to protected the one that I love the most, from not letting him get hurt because secrets that will hurt him... But by having the chamber of secrets, there's a price that I have to pay for it... The price is it will causes the one I love into mysterious feelings like he feels that I am a stranger to him hiding too many things from him... It's truly unfair, but this Chamber was created to protect and destroy... By holding this Chamber Of Secrets, it is totally uneasy, I do feel sad most of the time carrying such heavy vault and I've to wear an iron mask all day to act like there's nothing wrong with me... As I believe, this chamber will one day destroy me and I understand the consequences of it...
As today, I've revealed one secret to the one that I loved, a actual secret that kept me form tremendous confusion and misunderstanding from the day this secret was born because of a dream and I really mind about it... Before this I told Dear about it before, but I lie about it and I finally told him the actual thing today... As I predicted tremendous confusion, misunderstanding and misleading erupt in his mind... Hurt him, I know I was in fault for changing part of it and told a lie instead of the real thing and if I wanted to tell, why didn't I be honest with him and why did I added somethings that it was suppose to be real and I faked it... I was so afraid that if I tell this secret out it might happen, and if I don't tell it out, my emotions will hurt the one I love and it might happen... For once I think it over, if it really happens, who should I blame... My Dear or Other people...? No one to be blamed but my own self... Because this secret is a key of trust and believe... I tell it out, maybe because I don't trust him and doubt him that he will do it when I am not around... But if I don't tell it out, and one day he finds out by himself, he will be hurt and saying I don't trust him at all... Dear was totally emo after what I told him... It's like there is no point of being together, because it's like I don't trust him... Or maybe because of me it happened... After this matter, dear said that I truly have a dark world that he doesn't really understands it...
It takes time for a person to really get to understand my true world, not all people can accept it just like accepting a treat from a friend... It is totally mysterious inside from hiding something like this... So far, I've already revealed 3 secrets to the one I loved, 1st secret made him sad, confuse, misunderstand, misleading, and hurting him... 2Nd secret made him jealous and hurt I feel... 3rd secret made him kinda emo due to the same background of what is happening... I really know all this hurts, that's why sometimes I am afraid of letting the one I love know and I rather be a mysterious man instead of seeing the one I love getting hurt and emo...
There was one time I though I can be truly honest with dear, but I found out that all this secrets do hurt dear badly... In order to protect, I rather be mysterious better then letting him getting hurt and let time by time showing him one matter by one matter... Slowly letting him to know me, I've no intension of hiding so many things from him, my love is not fake towards him... I don't want dear to have unhappy moments with me... I notice that when ever I accidentally hurt him, he says nothing... It really makes me feel bad, because I know what is going on but when I ask him he says nothing, I know he doesn't want me to feel bad... But by hiding it and I know the truth makes me feel more bad... We're like in a relationship of secrets, because of me... I am the one who created it... I've so many secrets to tell dear, but some secrets might hurt dear's feelings... I know that I've hurt dear many times, until 1 time dear cried because I told dear of something that dear really didn't like, because of love, dear had to carry on even nothing happened... I can hurt the one I love by not knowing it myself...
Forgive me dear, I've been keeping so many things from you... Hurting you... Sorry...
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Unfinish Business...
Monday, 7 April 2008
Dear don't misunderstand this blog I wrote, I am not leaving you... I wont leave you, and I love you a lot... ^^
Because I am a boy that is willing to give away everything for love, Please don't break a Heart of a boy, who'll do anything for love... Because I am a boy, that love is everything to me...
Friday, 4 April 2008
Friends Or Foe
It's been almost 3 weeks since we were not that close to each other already... It all began because of an online game we played together... On that day, I've just woke up and the first thing I do is login Maple Story, and after login to my character, as normal... I usually walked around to find things to do or just to think of something to come out with, then I noticed that, time was almost up for me to get ready for work... Before I was away from keyboard... I left my character in one of Maple Story most busy channel and place, "Free Market"... There were many players around and the whole place was crowded and if you type a message you can't even get to see what others are talking due to other players spamming through out the whole day... Before I was declared away, I've experience a few times disconnect from the server, and when I login to the game I saw my close friend is already in the game don't have a clue on what was he doing because I seldom ask what are my friends doing in games... After that, I was away from keyboard to get ready for work... Having my bath and breakfast all those stuffs... Before I step out of the house, I'll shutdown my computer and logout my Maple Story and not even looking at my previous chats due to where I am in the game...
Saturday - Evening
The next day, when I was playing Maple Story as usual with some other friends, I notice that my friend - DragonValor, one of my best friend in real life and games... I asked him some questions about Maple and he didn't even care of answering me... Ignoring me through out the day... One of my friend- Kim, notice this matter also, and he helped me to ask what had happened... But Dragon refuse to speak anything out from his mouth... until late night, Kim phone dragon and ask him about what had happened... He told Kim that he ignored me because I ignored him on Friday morning... I was like "Huh?! what is he talking about...? When did he called me and I ignored him...?" so many freaking questions on my mind...
Sunday - Night
At night I called Kim out and call Dragon along, because I wanted to ask and put this matter to a rest once and for all... We went to the cafe first and later on, we went for a drink in a restaurant... And I brought this matter up, asking him what is wrong... what are you angry of? He denied it by saying, I don't know what are you talking about, showing us all sorts of faces and colours, Mixed... By asking him so many rounds of "hat's wrong with you..." I finally can't take it anymore, I began saying things like this... " if you're a man, and there's trouble troubling you say it out talk like a man to settle this case like a man, rather than keep on denying it and showing your face like this to us, keep on denying it will not help you solve this matter, your face has already stated that you're mad of me because of something, now tell me what have I done wrong to provoke you... " At last he said it all out... and we discuss it, he was saying I ignored him in game... and saying all kind of stuffs and finally settled...
After that day, I notice that he is a changed man... The one that I use to know is like dead a long time already, It's just I didn't notice that he was changed until that day... Last time he wouldn't get angry over such small matters, but now... He takes it seriously... And now when we meet each other, we already seldom talk to each other... We still talk, but very short talk... just ask and answer then silent already, nothing much to talk already... we both are almost like ice when we meet each other... nothing but only cold smile and laughs... Are we still Friends...? Or you have already declared me as your Foe...? Question lurks beneath my heart... I dare to say he already knows about my secret...
Friend Or Foe, You choose... To me, the path of life is still a long way to go, less you this kind of friend won't give me any benefit to my life... Of course, to have you as my friend is much more better...
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Nothing But Memories... A Story About A Boy...
His a boy that carries a happy face where ever he goes, smiling all the way, staying very strong like other normal boys... But, in the other side... He is nothing but a sad boy being played by Love, acting happy and strong as each day passes... hiding all his sadness, pain, loneliness through his smiles... Facing the world by wearing a mask... Hiding deep inside his cold heart core, carrying a secret like me... Unable to tell other friends like normal secrets that buddies share along their friendship life, choosing who to tell, this secret only can be told to the boys that are same kind like him, and shall not be expose to others due to social, family, friends, religion pressure... Yes, as I write the word "same kind like me" is referring to homosexual... During his secondary level, when he was in form 4... He deeply fell in love with a boy that is younger than him by 1 year if I'm not mistaken... He truly loved him with pure heart, but... the boy that he loves is nothing only but a shadow... He cannot give what he seeks in him, because the boy He love is normal, straight... During school days, he treated that boy as if they were in a relationship... giving everything to the boy that he loves, fetching him after school, buying him the things that he likes... Fulfilling his lover's dreams... giving him almost everything he wants... Even though he knows that the boy he loves will not accept him, yet he continues to scarifies almost everything for the boy he loves the most, just to see him happy and laugh all day... Every time after school, if there's a chance to fetch his lover back, he would be very gladly and happy to fetch him back home from school and not needing any promises from his lover...
His a boy that understands situation... He understands what is love and he also understands that he will not be given a chance to be with the boy he loves because of fate... His love towards that boy is so pure, and deep like an ocean... He once told me that he only wishes to see the one he love happy and willing to do anything that will make him happy although they cannot be couples... For all the love he found in that boy... He was his strength when he was weak, his voice when he could not speak... Gave him wings and made him fly... When he lost his faith, he gave it back to him... Can't be apart of life... but his thankful for each day he gave him... Through all the lies he was the only one that is truth... A place in his heart that no other boys can take over... All he feels that he was blessed to get to know the boy he loved in his life...
On February 14Th... Valentines day, He was a boy that shattered into million of pieces... The one he loved was in a relationship, and he fetched his lover to go buy valentines gift for his girlfriend... He was so sad... and there's one time, he get to go to his lover's house and stayed overnight with the one he loved... at night, he heard his lover talking to his girlfriend... Heart broken, yet he didn't gave up on loving the boy he felled for, with no regrets until today...
He is also a boy that love is everything to him... His heart is like the north star...
The north star will be always in the north... It wont follow the season to move... Guiding the one he love, always shinning brightly in the north sky every night...
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
EMO Day...
Dear if today I let you felt lonely, I am Sorry... I'm kinda stress up now...
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Funeral - Angel Of Deaths...
Today I've just attended a friend of mine friend's relative funeral... We were invited to pay our last respect to the deceased, we were all dressed in full black... Looks kinda cool, except one of an idiotic friend of mine wear red shirt with black strips on it... Lucky one of my other friend brought along a black jacket and landed him to wear to cover his red shirt... Damn stupid way of wearing, and he said that no one told him that we were attending a funeral... We were discussing in the car about that guy who wear a red shirt, one of my friend said, "if he pass away... let's all wear full red to attend his funeral... Not a bad idea..." We reach there about 9.30 p.m. Whao, lots of their relatives were there... any we find out that the deceased was 103 years old, Whao...!!! their family members all dressed in red... Haha at 10.00 p.m. we all gather to pray the deceased and pay our last respect to him or her... I also don't know whether is a girl or boy, whatever... After that, we dismiss ourselves... wahahaha... But it's not the first time I've attended a funeral... Quite a number of times d haha...
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Happy Times...^^
Wishing for a beautiful day tomorrow, so that dear and I can be happy^^...
Friday, 21 March 2008
I Know...
If you're lonely, close your eyes and think of me, in that pitch black, you'll see the happy memories that we were together, and you will notice that you're not alone... I'm always inside your heart, we're one...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
No matter what happens...
Fame, Dignity, Face, Wealth... I am willing to let go everything just to be who I want to be... Without fears...
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
If a lifeless book can control man kind, then this world has lost it's light a long time ago...