Oh God, today is the day Latihan Kembara Wirajaya... Jeezs have to carry that freaking heavy camping bag... Woke up at 0500 a.m in the morning when the Muslims go for their morning prayers, we non-Muslims woke up at that time to get ready and re-check all our gadgets, our food and water supply... at 0630 a.m all gather at the hall to put bags there after that go down to the field there to raise the national flag and sing the national anthem, and here comes our god father to give a long and stinky speech to merasmikan Latihan Kembara Wirajaya, God let us sit down while you talk la, early in the morning where the sun haven rise yet all sleepy mood make us stand there and listen to the craps at the field, DAMN... After finishing his holy craps, we are to dismiss to return back to the hall for our breakfast, here goes another briefing from our Dear TKL - Timbalan Kommanden Latihan, Old dudes do talk a lot of craps, took a chair each and sit in our own platoon and listen to the instructions during jungle trekking what to do and not to... 08.45 a.m finally all lined up outside the hall to take Strength - Total number of people, Platoon leader count the Strength of their own platoon and report to KJ - Ketua Jurulatih in charge... First platoon to go and die first is Charlie and Delta, congratulations to them anything happens they will be the first to get it haha, let wild boar attack or chase also them first... Second to depart is the girls, jeez they will be causing trouble, thirdly is Alpha and Bravo... Bravo is behind Alpha, haha the last platoon to move so sad... Before entering the jungle, trainer will line us up again to take our strength in case of any MIA - Missing In Actions... From 1 to 34 people and my platoon trainer say Ketua Platoon is at the back of the platoon, I was cursing in my heart saying, "Damn you Bitch why all the one Ketua have to walk behind of the Platoon..." All lined up in a Straight line and I am at the end of the line, Great job... Walk through Bukit Ridan and to our Camping Side - Base... In the jungle, nothing special to see, just huge size ants and bugs ewww... And all the noise we create, no peace in the jungle at all... Saying of trouble, we rest more then we walk, Special Thanks to the Wirawati - Girls, keep stopping and resting, walk a while aiyo tired already this that all those junk... Can't cut or bypass them because we are not allow to cut lines and stupidly have to follow the ninja turtles... While walking I brought along my liquid paper, marked and draw the trees in the jungle... While reaching a slope, I'll write "Kawasan Kemalangan, Kurangkan Laju, Hargai Nyawa Anda, Kurangkan Laju Anda Boleh Mengubahnya, -> Hotel Pangkalan KPP 3.5 KM, Dilarang potong memotong or Ikut kiri kalau tidak memotong" For our dear Platoon Bravo friends to know what is in front... We really did all those writings and too bad no camera to take a photo =.="...
Finally at 13.30 p.m reached our pit stop, where is in a old quarry side... Legs were tired, and there was TKL waiting for us there with other trainers, and assemble all the ketua platoons to give briefing on what is next... Alright received our new orders already, time to move out, to take our men to the so called - BASE... Well after reaching the base, my platoon trainer gave me orders to order my comrades to start building up tents for the night and also there's a certain location for every each platoon, where is ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE and DELTA... Haha for me very easy only, I just stand there giving out orders and commands, my tent also no need me to build up myself I can order my comrades to do the job, made a Big tent where can fit in 8 people haha, good job to my friend that build the tent, and also called the big guys to dig a hole to make a fire pit for the freezing night... After digging I summoned 9 people plus me is 10, 5 to find fire woods for the night and 5 more to find bricks or stone to surround the fire pit... Later on had lunch haha... Wanted to rest oh gosh here comes things to do, activities time... OMG...
Received my mission and I have to lead - Search And Rescue Mission... And later on is
Find The Golden Coconut... Using a map and a Compass, but I am not the one who is holding it because I don't know how to use it, let the pros to do it... I just stand and give orders that's all become very bossy =.="... Search and rescue include how to do first aid all those things bla bla bla... Finished my mission in time of course... Platoon A and B Team 1, Platoon C and D Team 2... We reached first and later them... Next activities is Search for the Golden Coconut, Not my business already, that mission I hand it over to my Ketua Platoon, the 3 Balak - 3 Line... I need Rest!!! argh... Haven't rest for the whole day, after hiking then reach base have to do this that, whoa I am not a machine leh... And tonight bet we won't get to sleep at all... Sucks... Mosquito are like bombars flying here and there and look at the size of them, oh god... I didn't get to sleep well the whole night... with the fire we didn't feel that cold, but at midnight when most of my friends were asleep, I was awake because I cannot sleep... Became guard for the night with a friend beside me, when I stood up, whao I can see Platoon Bravo and Delta don't have a single light - Camp Fire it's pitch dark... cool...!!!
Well, Stayed up whole night chatting with a friend beside the fire and also adding woods to keep the fire up... Well time passes quite fast, well can see the sunrise and the morning beautiful sunlight, friends started to wake up one by one haha... Some still sleep until refuse to wake up, Started to pack and we cook our breakfast... Cleaned all the waste that we created and line up in lines to go gather at the Field for Closing of the Latihan Wirajaya listen to craps again from God Father... Surrender all our bags back to the camp and go back to our dome to rest for the day... Had fun... But things were not the way I wanted it to be...