Hi Bloggie, it's me again... Back to find you whenever there's problem... Hope you won't mind and hate me for this :'(... Well, since there's no body beside me to share all my problems, and while those who care for me are busying with either their life or their future... Pathetic eh? People can spend time on building their career and "designing" their future, while I just sit in front of the comp surfing the Internet and just blogging. So blind and dark here... I can't barely see my own future... Always waste my own time on thinking nonsense and there goes bloggie here bloggie there, I feel so lost...
Whoa! look at the date... Today's already 30Th of May, end of tomorrow is already June, there goes half a year of 2009 and the age of 19Th... As I see days passes by like a blink of an eye, I begin to worry more, more anxious... more pressure building up within me... What makes me so "fucked up"? I think it's because I can't see my dreams and even believe in the things I do already... When did it start? I don't know... Maybe because of letting "him" down too many times, taking & eating too much failure, and can't be digested out of my little body... Too much to worry for... I've learn and understand that, If I give myself too much pressure, I'll intend to face death itself... Don't worry bloggie... I'm not going to suicide... I mean that it's like a slow suicide because I've learn 90% of the cause of cancer is because of "pressure" and the meaning of pressure is anything that harms the body "mental" and causes it to have many health problems...
Am I dying...? I don't know... Maybe in a slow and steady way... I have to find my path... The little light out from this cold chill darkness, before my time runs out... The clock is ticking, I can't stop the clock from it's job... Things turn about a slightly bit by bit better as I continue to read a book of hope, a book of future, and a book of power... A seed that I've bought in the past and buried it in my desk for a long long time until one day... A friend of mine told and chat with me about this book - The Secrets... Bought it for fun and didn't read it... Tried to act like a high educated guy reading a book, but the other way round, sealed it inside a desk of mine and never look into it until today...
Just started reading it - The Secrets... Found out some interesting things and the meaning of somethings I wanted answer long ago... Not bad, find it interesting... Haha, won't write it here about what's written in that book, or else either readers from my blog will sleep or either thinks I am crazy... Only people who read this book will understand what I am talking about... There's a few sentences that I like and made me to think really hard and also focus on things...
Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and change your life. There is no such thing as a hopeless situation. Every single circumstance of your life can change!