01/07/08 Today is Majlis Perasmian Program Latihan Khimat Negara, and It's also the day I got my Ranking... Haha, today woke up at 0600 a.m, well started like a normal day as any other day, It's been 2 weeks already that we have been in this camp, time is so slow...!!! Well, today we all have to wear our Full Celoreng, oh god it's going to be freaking hot damn...!!! Really can't stop cursing when have to wear this Set of uniform... Woke up at 0600 a.m, have to gather at he field for morning exercise - PT , Physical Training... Every morning the first thing is to sing the national anthem and raise the national flag and not forgetting our Lagu Khimat Negara... After that, listen to instruction from our Dear fat ass KJ - Ketua Jurulatih on what to do for today Physical Training... Skip this part sucks, do all the hell torture exercise in the morning where the sun is not up yet and sleepy mood at least wait for the sun rise la Dei... Haiz, really torturing during the days there, want to sleep also can't... As usual, PT until 7.30 a.m and lined up listen to the next orders and go back to the hall to have our breakfast, and at 8.30 a.m sharp we all have to be in the hall wearing our Full Celoreng. Finished our breakfast went back to our dome to get ready...
Well, slowly delay wasting time, with a slow touch here and there, and still can chat with friends to... This is what we always do, and get late as usual so as kena bombing by KJ for being late to assemble in the Hall... Reached there arranged our chairs according to our own platoon, but the ones that are gonna be promoted as Leaders have to sit in front of the Platoon... Starting of the Majlis Perasmian PLKN is by all standing up and sing the national anthem dan Lagu PLKN... Also bacaan Ikrar and doa... Sit back down and listen to our so called GOD FATHER - Kem Kommander talking his craps, he was happily talking about how great and good of this program how lucky that we are been selected to follow this program... "of course la, this is his rice bowl wor, without this program dunno where will he be..." Stupid guy =.="... And so on and on, finally he finished his holy craps, here goes Majlis seterusnya is penaik pangkat kepada ketua-ketua yang dipilih oleh jurulatih platun... Have to salute and this that, shake hands blah blah blah stand in front of the stage and done, only Ketua platoon still need to stand there while assistance can go back to their seats yahoo~^^... The Surrendering of our platoon Flags to every each Platoon by Trainers of Platoon, watch and enjoy the drama =.="...
After that, All Platoon leaders have to stand up and in front of own platoon to Salute t00 all our "anak buah" Hahahaha... Fun Fun~ :) after dismiss... Just nice ended at 11.30 a.m and all sit in the hall to wait for lunch time, during that hour, what so many people come and congrats us that have ranking ones... But, things won't be that smooth for me I guess wearing this Thing on my shoulder I feel that my shoulders are twice as heavy... Pressure and Responsibility...
At night, after dismissing all the other trainees back to their domes, leaders are to stay back in the hall for a meeting with TKL - Timbalan Kommander Latihan, on what is our duty to carry on... So as introduce our self to the other platoon leaders, Starting from ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, and DELTA... Meeting carried on till late 1.30 a.m and tomorrow have to wake up at 5.30 a.m damn sucks... Our meeting is classified as top secret meeting, because our job is the Hands, Ears, and Eyes in the camp - CCTV, monitoring the trainees behaviours and report more like SPIES among our friends... He told us we are under Pihak Pengurusan, anything we have to report to them using INTEL WAY so as our Special Rights, what can we do... Proud To be A leader ^^... Had Fun anyway...